Get Up and Stop Your Sitting

Sitting is Killing You
Via: Medical Billing And Coding

Jump Start Your Day With 5 – 50

Perform 50 reps of each of these exercises first thing in the morning, and feel the energy surge that supercharges your day.  Now if you are looking to burn fat then try to do the 50 reps as fast as possible.  However, if you are trying to build muscle then work slowly and methodically through each exercise.

Jumping Jacks

Start with jumping jacks.  These are low intensity full body workouts that are perfect for warming up your muscles.


Studies show it is more beneficial to warm up your muscles with light exercise than it is to stretch.  So before any rigorous activity try a few of these.  It will make everything a lot more comfortable.



Push ups

To get the perfect push up place your legs no further than 12 inches apart.  Keep your hands centered directly beneath your shoulders. And, keep your body in a straight line from head to toe.  If you need to, you can keep your knees on the ground.


Try to keep a consistent speed throughout the entire exercise.  So the downward movement should take just as long as the upward push.


*Remember.  Keep your breathing steady and easy throughout the exercise.


Plant your feet firmly to the ground hip width apart.  Slowly move your buttocks toward the ground while keeping your face looking forward throughout the entire motion.


Because of the large muscle groups this exercise works, this is one of the best exercises for weight loss.  So if you are trying to lose weight from around the midriff this is the exercise to do.


Mountain Climber

This is the abdominal exercises you want to start doing.  Put yourself in push up position then alternate bringing left knee then right knee toward your chest.


This exercise tones the abdominal muscles by really working the core.  This helps to tighten the tummy rather than build bulk, meaning this routine will help you to get that flat ab look.

Bicycle Crunch

For both the mountain climbers and bicycle crunches one rep will be movement of both knees.  Keep it even, you don’t want to offset your body.


Alternate bringing each knee in toward the opposite side shoulder.  Keep the legs and shoulders off the ground until the exercise is complete.


*The ball is optional.

Do each of these Monday-Friday.  You will notice a great change in your workday, and within a couple weeks you will notice a huge change in your physique.  Good luck and remember to Rise and Exercise.

Get Creative With Your Push Ups

To get the most out of your exercise you need to get a little creative with them.  There are tons of different routines to practice.  Each time you switch up the routine you are exercising a different area of your muscles.  So switch the routine every week to keep your muscles developing in a healthy and natural way.

To  the left we have an example of Hindu Push ups.  These are killer because they put tension throughout the entire pectoral muscles.

Of course push ups are great full body workouts as well as pec exercises.  If performed with the proper technique they can tone the abs, tighten the buttocks and strengthen the back.

So try to mix in some one footed push ups and one armed push ups, doing these is going to really strengthen your core and help to develop strength.

The trick to getting in great shape is keeping it interesting for you and your muscles.  Doing the same routines is going to make the exercise boring, and your muscles will become accustomed to the routine and thus stop developing.  So what is the lesson to take from this little post.  GET CREATIVE WITH YOUR WORKOUTS. 

Apples and Exercise

Ok. I have been saying this from the get go, you have got to change your lifestyle if you want to see some physical changes.  That means you are going to have to start exercising more frequently, which means you are going to need energy to start exercising. DO NOT GO WITH CHEAP ENERGY.

Energy drinks will eventually kill you. But worse than that they are going to become addictive.  If you start your workouts with a Monstor or a Rockstar you will eventually notice that you naturally become tired without them. To me that is scary. I don’t want my energy level to be dependent on a drink.

Healthy foods though work opposite.  They increase your basal energy level rather than stimulating temporal energy.  So eat healthy foods when you need energy and you will notice you just feel better all the time.

Apples have tones of fiber and are packed with vitamin C. These are a great alternative to caffeine.  This will actually give you more energy in the morning than a cup of bitter black coffee. For real, try it.

Quit With The Soda

Tramp-boarding the Right Way

Tramp boarding is an underground sport that is usually practiced by skateboarders or snowboarders when they are just goofing around at home. Many people enjoy tramp boarding because it gives them a chance to get on their beloved board with the added benefit of being able to jump higher than ever before.

Skateboarders and snowboarders will likely view tramp boarding in slightly different ways since one sport has a board with bindings for the feet and the other goes without. The main difference between the two types of boards that you could use is the tricks that you will be able to perform with the different boards.

The tricks that you can do with a board without bindings basically reflect the tricks that are done on a skateboard but are usually more exaggerated. There are plenty of flip-tricks with the board rotating freely underneath you.

Tramp boarding without bindings can be a satisfying experience because you can do get double, triple or even quadruple rotations out of the board whereas on a normal skateboard you will likely only get two rotations with a huge effort. This has to do with the board being lighter and lacking trucks which hinder the rotation as much as it has to do with being able to jump higher.

If you want a tramp board with bindings you will be able to practice and perform tricks that are usually done on a snowboard jump. If you have bindings you will probably spend your time doing tricks that involve flips and spins along with grabs.

Skateboarding decks can be used for tramp boarding and this is probably the most common method. You should be careful with old decks however, since rough wooden edges on an old skateboard can quickly destroy the woven mesh that your trampoline or rebounder uses for a jumping base.

On that note, it should be said that snowboards used on a trampoline will likely end in disaster since snowboards are heavier and usually have sharp metal edges. The best method for a tramp board with bindings is probably a snowboard type sled with simple bindings that go over your shoes and a basic hard plastic body.

If you are going to use a skateboarding deck you should take measures to soften up the edges so that they don’t ruin your bouncing surface. One common method involves wrapping your board with duct tape so that the edges are not ever ripping against the wood.

Make ‘Why’ The Heart of Exercise

I have been thinking a lot about the ‘why’ people should exercise. There are so many different methods to ‘how’ we should do it. The ‘where’ and ‘when’ do not change for most people, either at home or at the gym or in the park, not to much of a question their. Of course the ‘who’ is me and you. The ‘why’ though, that is the big question.

In our lives we try to quantify everything. We count calories, time miles, measure weights and take stats of everything we do so that we can see improvement. Though seeing results is fun and very motivating, I don’t think that is why we exercise.

I saw this diagram of the human body outlining the who, what, when, where, how, and why, and even though at the time it was outlining something completely non-health related, I found it very applicable. In fact, just for fun you can try applying this to anything, it is kind of fun.

The who, what, when, where, how, and why of exercise How of Exercise: How is the method used, whether you are going weight lift, run, cross train or what have you. 

When and Where: These are the hands that will carry you on your bath to fitness and a healthy lifestyle.  Make your when and where a set time and place, making your hands sturdy so to help you keep from slipping.

Who and What: Your legs are what move you.  What you are doing is going and who you are doing it with or for are going to be helpful motivators.

Why: This is the heart of exercise.  It doesn’t matter who it is for, what is happening, where you are, when it is, or how it will happen, unless you have a firm and strong ‘Why’.

Find your ‘why’ and let it motivate you.  Make that the center of your exercise. Do not concern yourself with numbers, pounds, statistics or anything like that, just continue doing what you are doing for your own reasons.

Having a strong why, is like having a well trained heart.  The heart is the muscle that promotes endurance, those with strong hearts can run for longer periods of times without stopping.  Try to get a strong ‘why’, one that will keep you moving even when times get tough.


Article written by Thom, a 22 year old college student studying English at Dixie State.


Warm Up and Cool Down

Warm Up 

A warm up is an essential part of any routine.  It is necessary to activate your muscles and loosen them up before you start exercising otherwise you run the risk of hurting or damaging your muscles.  So when warming up your muscles for any activity go throughout your whole body, starting with your head and moving down to your toes.

Cool Down

Doing these routines after exercise helps to get that little extra muscular tear to help elongate the muscle.  This will help to create a lean and tone physique rather than just a bulky meaty look.  It will also develop functional muscle gain rather than pointless mass.

Activate your Muscles


Having Fun While Rebounding

As is the case with many different exercises, it can get very boring simply repeating a motion over and over.  Of course, there is great wisdom in developing all the different muscles in the body through countless repetitive movements, but in all honesty, it can sometimes get old.


Rebounding is no exception.  As fun as it is to jump up and down on a mini-trampoline, or a rebounder, the simple fact that it is a repeated motion makes it, in some cases, somewhat undesirable.


However, there are many different techniques that can be employed so as to make jumping up and down on a trampoline a lot more entertaining.  Keep in mind though, this is the nature of exercise, sometimes it takes a little effort to push through these slow times.


First, one of the easiest ways to make working out on a rebounder a little more bearable is to simply watch television or listen to music while doing it.  Of course, this is painfully obvious, but it is a nice reminder that rebounders are very portable and can be situated right in front of the television.


Furthermore, music is a great way to make rebounding more exciting as certain types of genres of music can be reflected in the jumps that are being performed.  For example, for faster paced music quicker jumps so as to be on tempo with the music can make rebounding and exciting challenge.


Another silly way to make rebounding a whole lot more fun is to simply imagine different scenarios while rebounding.  One of the most obvious, yet perhaps one of the most fun scenarios to imagine is walking on the moon.


Think about it, every bounce is another bound towards discovering a new and exciting frontier.  Or even imagine, while jogging in place on the rebounder, being in the last leg of an Olympic marathon.


While it may sound silly, it is a plausible tactic to make the whole rebounding experience a lot more enjoyable.  Although, it is recommended that the use of sound effects and props should be something that is done only in the privacy of a basement or a family room with the shades drawn.


There are many different techniques that can be implored to make rebounding or any other type of exercise a little more bearable.  However, there is no substitute for a purpose and sheer grit and determination in times when the progress seems slow.

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