Incline Trainer Magic

Incline TrainerOne of the most advertised piece of exercise equipment now-a-days is the Incline Trainer. Basically a treadmill that goes up to 40% Incline. If you’ve never tried one before, you’re in for a real treat the first time you use one. 40% is just a number until you’re walking as the treadmill rises higher, and higher…and higher! Then you realize how intense it really is.

Walking at a 40% incline burns 5x more calories than on a flat surface. It also develops your calves and thighs like nothing else. Just walking 5 minutes on this at a quick walking speed will get your legs burning hot and sore the next day. A decent incline trainer for your home can cost around $1,500 (you can read reviews here and get discounts at Treadmill Sensei).

Jillian Michaels, the famous Biggest Loser personal trainer, endorses the NordicTrack Incline Trainer. She acknowledges how quickly it helps people to lose weight. Whether for beginners or long time experienced runners, the Incline Trainer is perfect.  If you diligently spend 10 minutes per day pushing yourself at the high incline, not only will you see results in weight loss, but you will tone your calves and legs very quickly.

Although incline trainers can go up to about 10MPH on average, you will rarely use them at full speed (unless you’re an olympian athlete). These machines are mainly meant for walking and jogging. These machines save time by giving you all the benefits of an hour long flat ground workout in about 10 – 15 minutes.

If there is one health investment to put in your home, an incline trainer would be one of the best choices to go with. Try it out! Good Luck!

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